On June 18th and 19th, the AWI-Japan Final and Super Final Match were held in Chiba Port Park.
Stole Photo by Maya-P (sorry!)
Stole Photo by Maya-P (sorry!)
In 2010-11 season, I broke my left ankle ealy August and B.B. missed 3 games from the begining.
Although at least we came back to the field, we were really out of shape for a while
and finished 18th of the annual ranking. (as hard as it is to believe, "the" J.C. finished 25th! "OMG")
So, both B.B. and J.C. had to start the Wild-Card on 18th.
And IF either of them couldn't finish in the top 5, it was ALL OVER...
Well, you can find out how we've done by seeing thiese wonderful photo shot!
Special Thanks and Photo by Oyamasuki_Y
J.C. finished in 3rd!
Made Super Finalist but finished 6th overall.
And B.B. finished 5th by a narrow margin of 0.5 points!!! (OMG)
Couldn't make Super Finalist as finished 16the overall.
But he did wonderfully!
Too perfect for me for his age of 9, when I found out we couldn't make the Super Final by rejection of Super Finalists to be only 15, I thought this might be the time for him to finish his discdogging career.
I was upset at that time but I'm cool now.
And, everybody in my family is a finalist for 3 seasons in a row and that's really very rare, isn't it???
Well, now, we're ready for the World Championship, right? J.C.??